Reality Creation Coaching For Your Business
If you own a business or a company, stop placing all of your attention on all of the individual pieces and moving parts that make up your company.Reality Creation Coaching For Your Business
If you own a business or a company, stop placing all of your attention on all of the individual pieces and moving parts that make up your company.All of these pieces and parts are the hardware. But it is the software that actually matters. Start focusing on the energy that exists underneath and behind all of those interacting and moving elements. Energy is the software; and this is where your power lies.
It is the honing, manipulation and leveraging of energy that determines the success of your company. It is the shaping and molding of energy that brings money and profit into your company. It is not hard work and struggle. That is the old paradigm, and it is time to start thinking differently.
Energy is the material that creates the world that you and I live in. There is nothing in the universe that is not composed of energy. All people are continuously in the process of shaping and moving energy, whether they know it or not.
Your company is composed of individuals who are devoting their time and efforts to constructing, carving, and sculpting energy. This is true no matter what their job description is or what role they have in the company. When the individuals who compose your company acquire the information and skills they need to intentionally leverage energy, your company becomes a honed and powerful entity.
There are four mechanisms, or tools, that all individuals contain within them that are dedicated to the manipulation and movement of energy. These technologies are the elements or material that create your reality. They are: Thoughts, Beliefs, Feelings and Attention.
Thoughts are the building blocks that create the framework for your reality.
Beliefs are simply thoughts that you keep thinking over and over.
Feelings are the elements that activate, and put into motion what your thoughts and beliefs
have initiated.
What you place your attention on is a confluence of what you think, believe, and feel.
Once you, and the individuals who work with you or for you, master these four technologies, your company is in a better position to create an accelerated and dependable series of achievements and desired financial outcomes.
Dr. Kopolow will work with you and your employees in-person, on the phone, or through Skype. She can work with your employees on an individual basis, or in large numbers. She will impart the information and skills necessary to create a company environment, culture, and climate that all employees can benefit from. Stop thinking hard work and struggle, and start thinking energy.
Please contact Dr. Kopolow for information regarding fees and services.