Money Creation Coaching

One of the biggest fears that people have, is not having enough money.

Money Creation Coaching

One of the biggest fears that people have, is not having enough money.

But, ironically, it is fear itself that so often is the impediment that prevents money from coming into people’s lives. Fear of not having enough money often causes people to chase after money. However, when you chase money in desperation, you oftentimes chase money away.

Many people experience conflicting and confusing thoughts, beliefs, and feelings about money. Negative and contradictory beliefs regarding money usually leads people to experience feelings of frustration, guilt, and self-blame about their unsatisfactory financial situations. It will be helpful for you to identify, and release all of your negative and conflicting thoughts, beliefs and feelings about money that are blocking money from coming into your life. Otherwise, you will spend a lifetime in a state of perpetual struggle, confusion and exhaustion trying to bring more money into your life.

Money, like everything else in our lives, is a form of energy. Because we feel we can’t survive without money, we give money a lot of power in our lives. Almost every major decision you make in your life involves money in some way. It will greatly benefit you to learn about the Energy of Money. Once you acquire the knowledge and skills to manipulate and move the Energy of Money, you will realize how much power you actually have over your financial circumstances.

Dr. Kopolow has developed a Money Creation course entitled, “Money Energy World.” When you enroll in the course and enter Money Energy World you will begin a journey into the deepest part of who you are. Participation in the course will reveal things to you about yourself you did not know. The course will teach you how to experience money in a different way, and
to allow money to flow freely into your life. When you understand what money really is, you will understand who you truly are for the first time.

Once you enter Money Energy World, you will never look at money the same way again!

Please contact Dr. Kopolow if you would like to learn more about her Money Creation Program.